H.10 J-818 1870 PCGS PR65BN
This is a low R-7 (4-12 minted). It is a Longacre designed Pattern. The reverse is the regular design for an 1870 Half Dime. The quality is amazing and is VERY high end! The mirrors on this coin boom (not just beam) boldly from all over. You do NOT have to use your imagination to see the flash. The mirrors also enjoy full clarity and cleanliness. The colors are totally original and include: mellow brown/pale purple/faint red. Save for 2-3 microscopic toning dots, there are NO spots or discolorations. Miss Liberty and every detail are needle sharp in strike and have thick frost. The eye eye appeal of he coin itself coupled with the design that never was, make this a sensation coin to look at! PCGS 1, NGC 0, CAC 1. We see no evidence of any graded higher in BN (Simpson has a PR66RB). NO PCGS coin has ever been sold via auction. In fact the ONLY auction record for this date was an NGC coin back in 2004 which brought $4,025.00. A piece like this is just way too cheap. More people are starting to pay attention to Patterns. We think they ill be a good deal for a while to come, however being stupid cheap like this won’t last much longer! WE HAVE POSTED THIS COIN AT OUR BEST PRICE