1C 1914 NGC PR66RB
According to our records, we have not handled in any way shape or form ANY PR 66RB 1914 1C in at least 10+ years! That meant we have not seen any we liked-until now.
Crisp matte surfaces are glowing with luster and killer colors. Rich shades of copper/mint red/violet/deep gold blaze from both sides. Amazingly, the surfaces are ultra clean and the only teenie spots you see-are color dots. Lincoln and all of the details are knife sharp in strike. The rim is thick and there is no question it is a real Matte Proof. The eye appeal is stunning!
PCGS 29, NGC 27, CAC 3. The last NGC coin to sell in major public auction brought $2,530.00 03/09 B+M (and it did not have the CAC sticker or color this coin has). PCGS coins sell for $3,000.00++. We bought it right and will pass the savings along to you!