1C-$1.00 1860 PCGS PR64-66+ SET ALL CAC


What an amazing MATCHED ORIGINAL GEM SET this is! It is a once in a life time offering for sure.

This set is ex Young-Dakota from our 10/2019 sale. It realized $64,625.00. The owner regretfully needs to move on. Here was the description from the sale:

This set should be named “the miracle set” as it is a wonder how it even exists today. There is no question this is a GEM Matched original set.

1C PCGS PR65 CAC. Strong mirrors beam boldly all over. The mirrors are clean and have good clarity. Both sides are evenly covered by a moderate layer of original colors. The colors include gold/green/pale violet. This is not a dull or drab coin. Every detail stands out with needle sharp strike. The eye appeal is great!

3CS PCGS PR64+ CAMEO CAC. For a smaller coin, the mirrors have big coin flash! The mirrors have good clarity and are pretty clean. Only using a strong glass can you see some lines and toning dots. The details steal the show with an incredible frosty strike. To find this date in cameo-really rare.

H10C PCGS PR66+ CAC. What a darling of a coin. As with all the other coins, this too has incredibly flashy mirrors. We see no reason why it’s not in a PR67 holder (no promises). The colors are the same as the other silver coins, only this coin has a blush of blue. This coin is super pretty.

10C PCGS PR65+ CAC. There really is nothing wrong here except the toning is slightly darker. This is NOT a dull or drab coin as the mirrors powerfully beam from all over. The toning is the same deeper navy/reddish gold/forest green as the other silver coins. Here too every detail is needle sharp in strike.

25C PCGS PR64+ CAMEO CAC. This is a VERY high-end coin. It has a little irregular toning so PCGS was very tough on it. It is the same colors as the other silver coins. No question this piece is a full cameo. The details are sharply struck, and the frost is clearly evident. Very rare coin to find even as a single!

50C PCGS PR66 CAC. The mirrors boldly beam from all over. They are incredibly clean and super clear. We think because the toning is slightly darker PCGS would not grade this coin a PR67 (which technically it is). The colors are the same as the other silver coins. You can tell the sharply struck details all have thick frost. The coin does have good eye appeal.

$1 PCGS PR65+ CAC. Strong mirrors blaze though thick and deeper toning (same as on the other coins). You can easily tell this coin has sat undisturbed for many years. The mirrors are clean and smooth. The toning on this piece is slightly more dusky than the others in the center. It’s still a good-looking coin!

When is the last time you remember seeing an 1860 Proof set? We only remember one and that was in a huge group that had been bought directly from the Mint and was dispersed almost 20 years ago. Sets like this really are the last frontier of numismatics!

Yes, there is a premium for a matched original set like this (we figured 10%). A set like this needs a good long term home. Think about how many matched original PCGS ALL CAC sets you have ever seen offered? And this set is 161 years old! WOW!


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