We were as shocked as any one to hear Mr Simpson was selling part (half to be exact) of his collection. It is well known he is going through a divorce. So hence we were out of the loop. Our hearts are very heavy seeing our friends leave such a great home. We’re sure Mr Simpson feels the same-he has an intense passion for his coins.
Legend does wish Heritage well and will help as much as possible to make the sale a success.
Collectors and the world will now see what we have so painfully guarded all these years and why we call the Simpson Collection one of the greatest ever. This collection has no equals. With out a doubt even the “lesser” coins he is selling (when compared to what he kept) rank as some of the finest ever rarities.
We are available for representation on a first come first serve basis. No one knows these coins better then we do. We want to see every coin end up in a home as caring as Simpsons was (he really did know his coins).
The sale of the Simpson certainly throws a loop into the market. Its been hit or miss until now. There has been no supply. With the extreme quality of coins, this collection could very well suck up almost all of the markets attention through out its 5 sales. Add the Bruce Morelan Collection being sold and it will be a very interesting test of how big and how much the market can handle. There are many coins that deserve world record prices. One scary possiblity, it could take at least a year for the market to rebound from having $100,000,000.00 released. However, in our opinion, hard assets are heating up. It could also very well kick start the market too. No matter what , the buyers will own some of the worlds best coins. Hopefully we can get some new generations to start family collections.
Last comment, Mr Simpson is NOT selling everything. He is keeping his Amazonian Gold, ALL his gold Patterns, his Saints and his $10 Indians (which are his favorites). He is keeping many other cool coins as well.
We all knew it was coming. Gold finally broke $2,000.00 briefly.
Activity in gold has been off the charts. People are buying a ton of junk-circ $20 Libs, low grade $20’s, etc. A typical scenerio is the rare coin departments are slow, while the coins stores are on fire. The major telemarketers are starved for junk. The good thing, they usually try to up sell eventually and have people buy rare coins. One at a time bigger gold coins are now selling. If the Pogue sale of gold that was in Mach was today, prices would be much higher.
Where will gold go from here? B of A famously chirped $3,000.00. Goldman Sacks $2,300.00. The government has a ton more money to print and spend. Our debt may never be harnessed again. In our opinion, we agree with $2,300.00+.
We are hedging now. Even though we are total gold junkies, we are suggesting that with no coins around and prices going up you should sell off some coins. Do not think your going to hit the top of this. The worst thing to do is to be a day late in selling. When there is nothing around and the demand is sky high, you can’t lose.
As far as buying, we are waiting for the hard asset bunch to really kick in with more force on the better gold coins. Great coins value $5,000.00-$50,000.00 are still languishing. We expect those to start selling stronger soon. Do NOT wait before prices surge to buy.
As of this writing we are paying $3,850.00 for PCGS CAC W/M Saints. We can use 100. We’ll pay $2,500.00 for PCGS CAC MS65 W/M Saints. Will take an unlimited quantity. Of course prices subject to change. We are buying ALL better CAC Gold. What do you have?
We are firm believers the negativity in the world will pass and they will even have a safe vaccine by the years end. You will kick yourself for missing out on really rare coins and coins that could very well be stupid cheap in a year. We do predict a surge in buying when Covid has a vaccine that is available.
Legend has gold! We have several new gold pieces from a small Type set we built. The quality of each coin is terrific!
Other highlights:
50C 1919-S PCGS MS65+ CAC
$1 1858 PCGS PR65 CAC
G $1 1851 PCGS MS67 CAC OGH
Of course there are many more coins to fit everyone’s tastes and budgets.
No firm will work harder to get you in the best coins available! It does not have to be any xpensive coins, we are pure coin junkies here and just love placing nice coins.
The list of our Regency 40 sale is now posted. There are 370 lots of neat coins. We expect the sale to go live within a few days. The sale closes August 27th with a live auction at the Bellagio in Las Vegas n conjunction with the PCGS Invitational.
If you have any questions, please call the auction department : 732-935-1168.
The auction company is accepting consignments for our huge Regency 41 sale which includes the mighty Bruce Morelan Collection.