R-6+. 13-20 MINTED. Struck in silver with a plain edge. This piece is from the greatest Pattern Collection EVER-Simpson. Bold mirrors are so strong you can see them from across the room. Just a few light lines can be seen only when using a strong glass. The mirrors have excellent clarity and overall cleanliness. A beautiful ring of gold frames all the rims. Miss Liberty and the details are frosted a silver white. The eye appeal is fabulous! PCGS 2, NGC 0, CAC 1. This coin was record twice. A regular PCGS PR65 sold for $4,025 in June 2012. Do not be fooled by the R-6 mintage. In your lifetime you will be lucky to see more then one other-if any! This is pretty much priced equal to what a regular 1870 50C PR65 Cameo would be. Patterns are cheap and are nothing to be afraid of at today’s prices. WE HAVE POSTED THIS COIN AT OUR BEST PRICE