25C 1901 PCGS PR68 CAMEO
We have seen lesser coins called DCams! This coin is a REAL MONSTER!
Absolutely perfect mirrors are miles deep (we think ULTRA DEEP), have amazing crystal clear clarity, have ZERO problems, and have nearly blinding reflectivity. A very thin band of gold frames he rims only. This coin is completely black and whit. Miss Liberty and the details are needle sharp in strike and have thick snow white frost. If our eyes popped out for this coin, yours will too!
ONLY 813 were ever minted. PCGS 1, NGC 0, CAC 1. PCGS has graded NO PR 68 Deep Cameos. NO PR 68 cameo has ever been to auction. We can not stress enough the great rarity of this date and grade. This IS the FINEST 1901 Proof 25C that exists!
For a sneak peak, visit PCGS cert verification: 26194187.